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Application Note

Using MMX™ Instructions to Perform Simple Vector Operations

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  • 2.1. Core of mmx_and
  • 2.2. Alignment Code
  • 2.3. Other Parts of mmx_and


  • 3.1. Scalar Performance for mmx_and
  • 3.2. MMX Code Performance for mmx_and


  • 4.1. Core of mmx_add
  • 4.2. Other Parts of mmx_add


  • 5.1. Scalar Performance for mmx_add
  • 5.2. MMX Code Performance for mmx_add




    The Intel Architecture (IA) media extensions include single-instruction, multi-data (SIMD) instructions. This application note presents two examples which demonstrate how to use these instructions to perform basic arithmetic and logic operations on vectors of numbers. Specifically, the mmx_and and mx_madd functions demonstrate the use of MMX technology PADDUSB and PAND instructions. MMX technology speeds up such operations significantly as compared to traditional IA (scalar) code, because the new instructions permit basic calculations with 64-bit operands (eight bytes, four words, or two doublewords) in a single clock. The performance gain is also due to the fact that MMX instructions (unlike scalar instructions) can execute operations with a memory operand in one clock.


    The mmx_and function receives as input two byte vectors, performs an AND operation between corresponding elements of the first and second vectors, and stores the result in the second vector. Even though the code example, listed at the end of this note, uses byte vectors, the code could be easily changed to accommodate elements of different lengths. The core loop will not change since these operations are performed bitwise.

    The inputs of the mmx_and function are two pointers to the arrays, and an integer denoting their length (in bytes). Note that this function was designed as a general-purpose library routine, which must be able to handle vectors of any length and alignment. Special-purpose routines written for particular cases will be smaller and probably faster.

    2.1. Core of mmx_and

    The core of the mmx_and function is listed in Example 1.

    Example 1. Core of mmx_and

    loop_64:				; operating on 64 bytes at a time
      1	MOVQ    mm0, [edi+0]	; load dst[0-7]
      2	MOVQ    mm1, [edi+8]	; load dst[8-15]
      3	MOVQ    mm2, [edi+16]	; load dst[16-23]
      4	MOVQ    mm3, [edi+24]	; load dst[24-31]
      5	MOVQ    mm4, [edi+32]	; load dst[32-39]
      6	MOVQ    mm5, [edi+40]	; load dst[40-47]
      7	MOVQ    mm6, [edi+48]	; load dst[48-55]
      8	MOVQ    mm7, [edi+56]	; load dst[56-63]
      9	PAND    mm0, [esi+ 0]	; AND with src[0-7]
     10	PAND    mm1, [esi+ 8]	; AND with src[8-15]
     11	PAND    mm2, [esi+16]	; AND with src[16-23]
     12	PAND    mm3, [esi+24]	; AND with src[24-31]
     13	PAND    mm4, [esi+32]	; AND with src[32-39] 
     14	PAND    mm5, [esi+40]	; AND with src[40-47]
     15	PAND    mm6, [esi+48]	; AND with src[48-55]
     16	PAND    mm7, [esi+56]	; AND with src[56-63]
     17	MOVQ    [edi+ 0], mm0	; store dst[0-7]
     18	MOVQ    [edi+ 8], mm1	; store dst[8-15]
     19	MOVQ    [edi+16], mm2	; store dst[16-23]
     20	MOVQ    [edi+24], mm3	; store dst[24-31]
     21	MOVQ    [edi+32], mm4	; store dst[32-39]
     22	MOVQ    [edi+40], mm5	; store dst[40-47]
     23	MOVQ    [edi+48], mm6	; store dst[48-55]
     24	MOVQ    [edi+56], mm7	; store dst[56-63]
     25	ADD     edi, 64		; update dst pointer
     26	ADD     esi, 64		; update src pointer
     27	SUB     ebx, 1
     28	JG      loop_64
     29	EMMS			; there is no more multimedia code

    This core runs on 64 bytes at a time. It is reached only if the vectors contain at least 64 bytes, which start at an address aligned (for the destination vector) to 8 bytes. (Bytes before and after these are operated on by different loops). Note the use of MMX registers-all 8 of them are in use to process 64 bytes at a time. At the start of the loop, ESI contains a pointer to the source array, EDI points to the destination array and EBX contains the number of bytes remaining divided by 64.

    Since the loop contains all the MMX code in the function, the EMMS instruction can be placed at the end of the loop. The EMMS instruction is required before exiting from the function since it is a library function that may be called from floating-point code.

    2.2. Alignment Code

    Since mmx_and can operate on vectors which are not aligned to eight bytes, and misaligned accesses carry a heavy penalty if they appear in the core loop, it is necessary to avoid them. Misaligned accesses cannot be avoided on both the source and destination vectors, as they may be aligned differently. Since each element of the destination vector is accessed twice, and the source vector only once, misaligned accesses are avoided only for the destination vector. This is done in a separate loop which first operates on the bytes before the first 8-byte boundary (of the destination vector) one-by-one. This alignment code appears in Example 2.

    Example 2. Alignment code

    1	AND     ebx, 7		; check dst 8-byte alignment
    2	JZ      aligned		; if aligned skip next section
    3	NEG     ebx		; calculate # of non-aligned bytes
    4	ADD     ebx, 8		; at beginning: 8 - (dst % 8)
    5	SUB     ecx, ebx	; n -= (# of non-aligned bytes)
    6	MOV     al, [esi]	; loop to AND non-aligned bytes at
    7	INC     esi		; the start of the vector
    8	AND     [edi], al	;
    9	INC     edi		;
    10	DEC     ebx		;
    11	JNZ     non_al_start	;
    aligned:			; here pointers are 8-byte aligned

    Before the alignment code is executed, the destination vector pointer is copied to EBX. ECX contains the number of bytes to be operated on. This code is an example of avoiding misaligned accesses in the MMX technology portion of the function.

    2.3. Other Parts of mmx_and

    Another interesting part of the mmx_and code is the loop which operates on 16 bytes at a time (loop_16 in the code listing). The loop is used for vectors which are less than 64 bytes long, or for the bytes remaining after the last 64-byte chunk. Note that it is not MMX code, thus MMX code will not be executed for function calls with vectors shorter than 64 bytes. This is an important consideration since the function might be called from floating point code, and the small savings for short vectors (0 to 6 clocks per function call, see Section 3.2) is outweighed by the overhead of changing from floating point to MMX code and back. If it is known that the function will not be called from floating point code, there is no reason not to convert this loop to MMX instructions as well.


    This section describes the performance improvement compared with traditional IA scalar code. There is a 1.3X improvement in the core loop which will be close to the overall performance improvement for vectors much longer than 64 bytes, assuming all data is in the cache, and that the source and destination vectors have the same 8-byte alignment. Performance gains are reduced if there are many cache misses or misaligned accesses.

    3.1. Scalar Performance for mmx_and

    The scalar version of the core loop is the 16-byte loop unrolled four times. Assuming no misaligned accesses and no cache misses, it takes two clocks for every four bytes, plus a loop overhead of two clocks, for a total of 34 clocks per 64-byte iteration.

    3.2. MMX Code Performance for mmx_and

    Assuming there are no misaligned accesses and no cache misses, the MMX code core loop takes 26 clocks to execute. This is 1.3 times the performance of the scalar loop. MMX technology enables 2 times peak throughput on AND operations (128 bits/clock vs. 64 for scalar code). The performance gain is significantly less than 2 times because this loop is memory-access limited: its execution speed is bound not by the ALU operations, but by the loads and stores. (Remember that scalar IA instructions can access the same amount of memory per clock as MMX instructions-64 bits-by pairing two 32-bit accesses). The reason that any gain is seen is the fact that MMX instructions (unlike scalar instructions) can execute operations with a memory operand in one clock. Thus, scalar IA code needs four clocks to load 64 bits twice, do a 64-bit AND, and store 64 bits, while MMX instructions can do the same in three clocks.

    Note that the MMX code has many available pairing slots (see next section), which can be used by any MMX instructions which do not access memory. Thus, additional operations could be performed on the operands or the result without increasing execution time. For example, each result could be shifted before storing. In this case, the performance gain compared to the scalar code would be higher.

    Instruction Scheduling, Pairing and Stalls

    The mmx_and core is an example which demonstrates pairing limitations. The scheduling of the instructions is simple and straightforward, and the MMX instructions are not paired at all. The reason is that all the MMX instructions access memory, so they cannot pair with each other no matter they are rescheduled. They also cannot pair with scalar instructions. This is an example of the rule:

    The rule shows the number of clocks that cannot be further reduced by instruction scheduling. This is another way of looking at the memory-access limitation discussed in the previous section.


    The mmx_add function is similar to mmx_and in structure. It receives two byte vectors, and performs an 8-bit addition (with unsigned saturation) between each element of the first vector and the corresponding element of the second, storing the result in the second vector. Again, although the code example uses byte vectors, the code could be easily changed to perform addition on word vectors, for which MMX technology also supports unsigned saturation.

    Though the method used in mmx_add is basically similar to mmx_and, there are several differences, particularly in the granularity of the various loops. The mmx_add core loop processes 32 bytes per iteration, and there is a scalar loop which operates on two bytes at a time, unlike 16 for mmx_and (the loops are easily unrolled if needed). The loops which operate on bytes one-by-one at the start and end of the vectors are also slightly different (see code listing at the end of the note).

    The inputs of the mmx_add function are two pointers to the arrays, and an integer denoting their length (in bytes). This function was designed as a general-purpose library routine, which must be able to handle vectors of any length and alignment. Special-purpose routines written for particular cases will be smaller and probably faster.

    4.1. Core of mmx_add

    The core of the mmx_add function is listed in Example 3.

    Example 3. Core of mmx_add

    loop_32:				; operating on 32 bytes at a time
      1	MOVQ    mm0, [edi+0]		; load dst[0-7]
      2	MOVQ    mm1, [edi+8]		; load dst[8-15]
      3	MOVQ    mm2, [edi+16]		; load dst[16-23]
      4	MOVQ    mm3, [edi+24]		; load dst[24-31]
      5	PADDUSB mm0, [esi+ 0]		; ADD with src[0-7]
      6	PADDUSB mm1, [esi+ 8]		; ADD with src[8-15]
      7	PADDUSB mm2, [esi+16]		; ADD with src[16-23]
      8	PADDUSB mm3, [esi+24]		; ADD with src[24-31]
      9	MOVQ    [edi+ 0], mm0		; store dst[0-7]
     10	MOVQ    [edi+ 8], mm1		; store dst[8-15]
     11	MOVQ    [edi+16], mm2		; store dst[16-23]
     12	MOVQ    [edi+24], mm3		; store dst[24-31]
     13	ADD     edi, 32			; update dst pointer
     14	ADD     esi, 32			; update src pointer
     15	SUB     eax, 32
     16	JG      loop_32
     17	EMMS				; there is no more multimedia code

    This core runs on 32 bytes at a time (if desired, it can easily be changed to operate on 64 bytes per iteration, like the core loop of mmx_and). It is reached only if the vectors contain at least 32 bytes, which start at an address aligned (for the destination vector) to eight bytes. (Bytes before and after these are operated on by different loops). At the start of the loop, ESI contains a pointer into the source array, EDI points into the destination array, and EAX contains the number of bytes remaining.

    Since the loop contains all the MMX code in the function, the EMMS instruction can be placed at the end of the loop. The EMMS instruction is required before exiting the function since it is a library function that may be called from FP code.

    4.2. Other Parts of mmx_add

    Similarly to mmx_and, a scalar loop processes any bytes which remain at the end of the vectors (loop_2 in the code listing). It processes two bytes at a time-this is the largest number of 8-bit additions which can be effectively paralleled in scalar IA code. The alignment code which operates on misaligned bytes at the start of the vectors is similar, though not identical, to the alignment code in mmx_and. (seven lines before non_al_start in the code listing).


    This section describes the performance improvement as compared with traditional IA scalar code. There is an improvement in the core loop ranging from 6 times to 7-18 times, depending on whether the input data causes many adds to saturate. This gain will be close to the overall performance improvement for vectors much longer than 32 bytes, assuming all data is in the cache, and that the source and destination vectors have the same 8-byte alignment. Performance gains are reduced if there are many cache misses or misaligned accesses.

    5.1. Scalar Performance for mmx_add

    A scalar version of the core loop would be similar to the 2-byte loop unrolled 16 times. Assuming no misaligned accesses, no cache misses and no addition saturations, execution of each iteration would take 84 clocks. Each of the 32 additions that saturates adds one or six clocks, depending on whether the branch was correctly predicted. This totals 84 to 100-250 clocks, depending on the amount of saturations and branch mispredictions.

    5.2. MMX Code Performance for mmx_add

    Assuming no misaligned accesses and no cache misses, the MMX code core loop takes 14 clocks to execute. This represents a speedup of 6 times to about 7-18 times as compared to the scalar IA code, depending on the amount of saturations and branch mispredictions. The additional gain above 6 times is due to the MMX technology hardware support for saturation. MMX technology has a peak rate for 8-bit ADD operations which is 8 times that of scalar IA code (16 8-bit adds/clock vs. two). However, this code is memory-access-limited, like the core loop of mmx_and, so the base speedup is lower than 8 times. Furthermore, the fact that MMX instructions can execute an operation with a memory operand in one clock improves speedup.

    Similarly to mmx_and, the core loop of mmx_add has many available pairing slots, which can be used by any MMX instruction which does not access memory. Thus additional operations could be performed on the operands or the result without increasing execution time. For example, each result could be shifted before storing. In this case the speedup would be higher when compared to the IA code, since adding more operations to the scalar code would increase its execution time.

    The scheduling and pairing considerations for the core loop of mmx_add are similar to those for mmx_and.


    .model FLAT
    PUBLIC  _mmx_and
    _mmx_and        PROC NEAR
    src     EQU     16[esp]
    dst     EQU     20[esp]
    n       EQU     24[esp]
            push    ebx
            push    esi
            push    edi
            mov     esi, src		; pointer to src vector
            mov     ecx, n			; size of vectors (in bytes)
            mov     edi, dst		; pointer to dst vector
            cmp     ecx, 0			; compare n to 0
            mov     ebx, edi		; copy pointer for alignment calc.
            jle     Exit			; exit if n <= 0
            cmp     ecx, 8			; compare n to 8
            jl      end_bytes		; if n < 8, jump to end loop
            and     ebx, 7			; check dst 8-byte alignment
            jz      aligned			; if aligned skip non-aligned section
            neg     ebx			; calculate number of non-aligned bytes
            add     ebx, 8			; at beginning of dst: 8 - (dst % 8)
            sub     ecx, ebx		; n -= (# of non-aligned bytes)
            mov     al, [esi]		; loop to AND the non-aligned (dst) bytes at
            inc     esi			; the start of the vectors
            and     [edi], al		;
            inc     edi			;
            dec     ebx			;
            jnz     non_al_start		;
    aligned:				; destination pointer is now 8-bytes aligned
            mov     ebx, ecx		; copy n
            shr     ebx, 6			; ebx = n / 64
            jz      after_loop_64		; if n < 64 skip 64-byte loop
    loop_64:				; operating on 64 bytes at a time
            movq    mm0, [edi+ 0]		; load dst[0-7]
            movq    mm1, [edi+ 8]		; load dst[8-15]
            movq    mm2, [edi+16]		; load dst[16-23]
            movq    mm3, [edi+24]		; load dst[24-31]
            movq    mm4, [edi+32]		; load dst[32-39]
            movq    mm5, [edi+40]		; load dst[40-47]
            movq    mm6, [edi+48]		; load dst[48-55]
            movq    mm7, [edi+56]		; load dst[56-63]
            pand    mm0, [esi+ 0]		; AND with src[0-7]
            pand    mm1, [esi+ 8]		; AND with src[8-15]
            pand    mm2, [esi+16]		; AND with src[16-23]
            pand    mm3, [esi+24]		; AND with src[24-31]
            pand    mm4, [esi+32]		; AND with src[32-39] 
            pand    mm5, [esi+40]		; AND with src[40-47]
            pand    mm6, [esi+48]		; AND with src[48-55]
            pand    mm7, [esi+56]		; AND with src[56-63]
            movq    [edi+ 0], mm0		; store dst[0-7]
            movq    [edi+ 8], mm1		; store dst[8-15]
            movq    [edi+16], mm2		; store dst[16-23]
            movq    [edi+24], mm3		; store dst[24-31]
            movq    [edi+32], mm4		; store dst[32-39]
            movq    [edi+40], mm5		; store dst[40-47]
            movq    [edi+48], mm6		; store dst[48-55]
            movq    [edi+56], mm7		; store dst[56-63]
            add     edi, 64			; update dst pointer
            add     esi, 64			; update src pointer
            sub     ebx, 1
            jg      loop_64
            emms				; there is no more multimedia code
            and     ecx, 63			; if (n % 64) == 0, no more bytes remain
            jz      Exit			; so exit
            mov     ebx, ecx		; copy n
            shr     ebx, 4			; ebx = n / 16
            jz      after_loop_16		; if n < 16 skip 16-byte loop
    loop_16:				; operating on 16 bytes at a time
            mov     eax, [esi]
            mov     edx, [edi]
            and     eax, edx
            mov     edx, [edi+4]
            mov     [edi], eax
            mov     eax, [esi+4]
            and     eax, edx
            mov     edx, [edi+8]
            mov     [edi+4], eax
            mov     eax, [esi+8]
            and     eax, edx
            mov     edx, [edi+12]
            mov     [edi+8], eax
            mov     eax, [esi+12]
            and     eax, edx
            add     esi, 16
            mov     [edi+12], eax
            add     edi, 16
            sub     ebx, 1
            jg      loop_16
            and     ecx, 15
            jz      Exit
    end_bytes:				; AND bytes at end one-by-one
            mov     al, [esi+ecx-1]
            and     [edi+ecx-1], al
            sub     ecx, 1
            jnz     end_bytes
            pop     edi
            pop     esi
            pop     ebx
            ret     0
    _mmx_and ENDP
    _TEXT   ENDS


    .model FLAT
    PUBLIC  _mmx_add
    _mmx_add PROC NEAR
    UCHAR_MAX       =    255	; Max unsigned byte (for saturation)
    src     EQU     [esp+16]
    dst     EQU     [esp+20]
    n       EQU     [esp+24]
            push    esi
            push    edi
            push    ebx
            mov     edi, dst	; pointer to dst vector
            mov     esi, src	; pointer to src vector
            mov     eax, n		; size of vectors (in bytes)
            mov     ebx, edi
            and     ebx, 7		; check dst 8-byte alignment
            jz      aligned		; if aligned skip non-aligned section
            neg     ebx		; calculate number of non-aligned bytes
            add     ebx, 8		; at beginning of dst: 8 - (dst % 8)
            cmp     eax, ebx	; compare n to # of non-aligned bytes
            jl      check_end	; if n is smaller jump to end loop, check n>0
            sub     eax, ebx	; n -= (# of non-aligned bytes) 
            mov     cl, [esi]	; loop to ADD the non-aligned (dst) bytes at
            inc     esi		; the start of the vectors. (saturate result)
            mov     dl, [edi]	;
            inc     edi		;
            add     dl, cl		;
            jnc     dont_saturate0	; if carry bit not set, do not saturate
            mov     dl, UCHAR_MAX	; saturate to max unsigned byte
    dont_saturate0:			;
            mov     [edi-1], dl	;
            sub     ebx, 1		;
            jnz     non_al_start	;
    aligned:			; destination pointer is now 8-bytes aligned
        	sub     eax, 32		; subtract 32 from n
            jl      after_loop_32	; if n was less than 32, skip 32-byte loop
    loop_32:			; operating on 32 bytes at a time
            movq    mm0, [edi+ 0]	; load dst[0-7]
            movq    mm1, [edi+ 8]	; load dst[8-15]
            movq    mm2, [edi+16]	; load dst[16-23]
            movq    mm3, [edi+24]	; load dst[24-31]
            paddusb mm0, [esi+ 0]	; ADD with src[0-7]
            paddusb mm1, [esi+ 8]	; ADD with src[8-15]
            paddusb mm2, [esi+16]	; ADD with src[16-23]
            paddusb mm3, [esi+24]	; ADD with src[24-31]
            movq    [edi+ 0], mm0	; store dst[0-7]
            movq    [edi+ 8], mm1	; store dst[8-15]
            movq    [edi+16], mm2	; store dst[16-23]
            movq    [edi+24], mm3	; store dst[24-31]
            add     edi, 32	; increment dst pointer
            add     esi, 32	; increment source pointer
        	sub	    eax, 32
            jge     loop_32
            emms			; there is no more multimedia code
            add     eax, 32		; add back the 32 we subtracted from n
            jle     Exit		; if n <= 0 exit
            sub     eax, 2		; check if only one byte remains
            jl      last_byte	; skip over loop_2 if so
    loop_2:				; operating on 2 bytes at a time
            mov     cl, [edi+eax]
            mov     bl, [esi+eax]
            mov     ch, [edi+eax+1]
            mov     dl, [esi+eax+1]
            add     bl, cl
            jnc     dont_saturate1	; if carry bit not set, do not saturate
            mov     bl, UCHAR_MAX	; saturate to max unsigned byte
            add     dl, ch
            jnc     dont_saturate2	; if carry bit not set, do not saturate
            mov     dl, UCHAR_MAX	; saturate to max unsigned byte
            mov     [edi+eax], bl
            mov     [edi+eax+1], dl
            sub     eax, 2
            jge     loop_2
            add     eax, 1		; if no bytes remain exit
            jl      Exit		
    end_bytes:			; AND bytes at end one-by-one
            mov     cl, [edi+eax] 
            mov     bl, [esi+eax]
            add     bl, cl
            jnc     dont_saturate3	; if carry bit not set, do not saturate
            mov     bl, UCHAR_MAX	; saturate to max unsigned byte
            mov     [edi+eax], bl
            sub     eax, 1
            jge     end_bytes
            jmp     Exit
            add     eax, 1
            jmp     end_bytes
            pop     edi
            pop     esi
            pop     ebx
            ret     0
    _mmx_add ENDP
    _TEXT   ENDS

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